Terms & Conditions

– These are our terms of service. Please read carefully –



  1. The owner of the online store ON’s Greens, operating at www.ons-greens.nl
    referred to below as the “Seller” is registered at Cremershof 40, 5861AR, Wanssum, having an
    entry in the National Court Register under VAT number NL003376562B48 and
    chamber of commerce number 78759617.
  2. The ON’s Greens store conducts commercial activities in the production of part of the
    range on offer.

Correspondance address:

ON’s Greens, Cremershof 40, 5861AR, WANSSUM, Netherlands

email contact is possible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, excluding public holidays.

email: on@ons-greens.nl

Seller’s bank account in EURO:


NL93 ABNA 0882 5217 64


The payment card operator is PayPal, IDEAL, Stripe, Visa, Mastercard


  1. All prices of products placed on the website www.ons-greens.nl are gross unit prices and do not include the cost of delivery of the purchased goods.
  2. In the case of non-standard orders or wholesale orders, product prices can be determined individually for each order.
  3. Placing an order through the online store www.ons-greens.nl
    is tantamount to concluding a sales contract between ON’s Greens, and a
    customer within the meaning of the Civil Rights – the Act of April 23,
    1964. (Dz.U. 1964 nr 16 poz. 93)
  4. The assortment presented in the ON’s Greens online store does not
    constitute an offer within the meaning of the Civil Rights, but is for
    information purposes only, encouraging people to make offers on the
    terms set out in these regulations.


  1. Orders in the ON’s Greens store can be processed through:
    • website www.ons-greens.nl
    • by email, sending a message to on@ons-greens.nl                                                                  
  1. To place an order and make a purchase in the ON’s Greens store, you must register your account on www.ons-greens.nl and read and accept the store’s regulations.
  2. It is also possible to place an order and make a purchase without
    registering an account. To this end, you must complete the correct form
    when making a purchase as a guest and read the rules of the store and
    accept it.
  3. In the case of orders placed by e-mail, it is assumed
    that the contracting authority has read the applicable regulations and
    accepted it.
  4. Making purchases in the ON’s Greens online store via the website www.ons-greens.nl
    is possible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Orders are processed from
    Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm CET time zone. Orders placed
    after 11:00 am on a given day will not be sent until the next business
    day at the earliest.
  5. When placing an order and purchasing goods offered in the ON’s Greens
    store, it is assumed that the following terms of the contract have been
    specified: subject of the order, unit price and total price of the
    ordered items, including VAT, form of payment, form and cost of
    delivery, approximate delivery date, date payments, contact and address
    details of the person placing the order and reading and accepting the
    regulations by the ordering party.
  6. If you place an order by e-mail, the confirmation of the
    order is considered to be an e-mail sent by the ON’s Greens store,
    containing information about the completion and confirmation of the
    order, as well as specifying the required conditions for the conclusion
    of the contract, with details of the ordered item, form delivery etc.
  7. The order should be paid by a transfer addressed to the seller’s
    bank account, giving the title of the transfer appropriate to the given
  8. The seller is not responsible for failure to deliver the ordered
    goods in the event of incorrectly provided address and / or contact
    details by the person placing the order.
  9. Each order is processed immediately after its submission, and the
    shipment is dispatched within a maximum of 96 hours from the moment the
    order is placed, on all working business days.
  10. The Seller reserves the right to extend the delivery time to a
    maximum of 21 business days, informing the person placing the order by
  11. In exceptional situations, such as the simultaneous ordering of the
    last piece of a given product by two people or the lack of a given
    product in the warehouse, the seller reserves the right to suspend the
    given order and resume its implementation after filling out the stock
    shortages of the given product.
  12. In the event of suspension of the order, the seller is obliged to
    immediately inform the customer about this fact, and the customer has
    the right to withdraw from the contract without any consequences.
  13. The ON’s Greens store sends the ordered goods via DHL. Please find an overview of the costs per country here.

Orders with a weight greater than 31,5 kg must be transported by
courier on a pallet, therefore the cost of such delivery may amount to
350 Euro, depending on the destination.                         

  1. The ON’s Greens store does not offer the service of bringing the
    purchased equipment in the case of orders for a total weight of over 31,5
    kg (wholesale, pallet orders, etc.). A courier company intermediating in
    the delivery of ordered goods only offers delivery of purchased
    products to the indicated address.
  1. ON’s Greens is not responsible for transport damage. The buyer is
    obliged to check the delivered products in the presence of the courier
    and in the event of visible damage fill in the appropriate document.


  1. In accordance with art. 27 of the Act of 30.05.2014. on Consumer
    Rights a consumer who has entered into a distance contract may withdraw from it
    within 14 days without giving a reason and without incurring costs,
    except for the costs specified in art. 33, art. 34 section 2 and art.
    35. (art. 33, art. 34 ust. 2 i art. 35.)
  2. A consumer who decides to withdraw from the contract is obliged to
    inform the seller within 14 days after having received the order via means of a letter sent by post
    to the correspondence address provided in the regulations or via email.
  3. To meet the deadline for withdrawing from the contract, it is enough
    for the consumer to inform the seller about the decision to withdraw
    from the contract within the time specified in the Act on consumer
  4. In the event of withdrawal from the contract, the consumer is
    obliged to send back the purchased goods intact, properly secured,
    placed in the original packaging supplied from the seller.
  5. The seller undertakes to provide customers with ordered goods without defects.
  6. If the customer wishes to complain about the goods, the seller is
    obliged to respond to the customer’s decision within 14 calendar days
    from the date the customer submits a complaint.
  7. The customer has the right to inform about the intention to complain
    about the purchased product by e-mail, or sending an
    appropriate letter to the correspondence address provided in the store’s
  8. The cost of transport and exchange of goods due to complaints is covered by the seller.


  1. Using the website www.ons-greens.nl is tantamount to reading and accepting the above regulations.
  2. Detailed information on the Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy can be
    found on the relevant subpage, which can be accessed by clicking the
    link on the footer of the page.
  3. The administrator of the ON’s Greens store reserves the right to make
    changes to the regulations and undertakes to inform customers about
    them, unless these changes are not significant.